Royal Navy named leads in female workforce
The Royal Navy has been named as one of 50 top employers of women with a growing female workforce.
The post Royal Navy named leads in female workforce appeared first on Defence Online.
The Royal Navy has been named as one of 50 top employers of women with a growing female workforce.
The post Royal Navy named leads in female workforce appeared first on Defence Online.
RAF Aircrew have commenced the flight simulator phase of training for the P-8A Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft.
The post RAF Aircrew begin next training phase for P-8A Poseidon appeared first on Defence Online.
This project is a Design-Bid-Build Construction Contract for Level II security upgrades for the MCAS Cherry
Point airfield as required by Marine Corps Order (MCO) 5530.14A Marine Corps Physical Security Manual. These
security upgrades include fencing, mot
Notice of Intent to Sole Source Force Protection / Anti-Terrorism (FP/AT) Software Maintenance and
Demonstration supporting Survivability Engineering Branch (SvEB) force protection research efforts.
The US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer
P222- DESIGN-BID-BUILD, Airfield Security Improvements, Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS), Cherry Point, North Carolina
This notice does NOT constitute a request for proposal, request for quote, or invitation for bid.
Raytheon is developing a portable device to evaluate bacteria and their potential to cause harm, which could support the future development of medical countermeasures and improved screening tools. Under the DARPA Friend or Foe program, Raytheon is developing biosurveillance technology that detects bacterial pathogens as soon as or before they threaten the military and citizens. […]
The post Raytheon developing portable bacteria “Friend or Foe” system appeared first on Defence Online.
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