
Why is early engagement important to defence procurement?

We attended the Defence Procurement, Research, Technology & Exportability (DPRTE) showcase event at Farnborough International Exhibition & Conference Centre on 28 March.

One of the main themes throughout the keynote sessions was early engagement between defence suppliers and buyers.

The early stages of the defence procurement lifecycle provide the greatest opportunity for suppliers looking to win more work with the Ministry of Defence.

Find out what industry experts had to say on the day below.


The defence sector wants innovative suppliers

Why wait for opportunities to come to you? Be more proactive.

Dr Lucy Mason, Head of the Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) and one of DPRTE’s keynote speakers, encourages businesses with innovative ideas to reach out to defence organisations.

DASA’s main purpose is to find and fund pioneering projects that support UK defence and security.

At DPRTE, Dr Mason said:

“If an SME has an innovative idea in defence and security, come and talk to the Defence and Security Accelerator. We have 12 innovation partners spread across the UK and we are easy to find on”


Why engage earlier?

The UK Government says that “a genuine two-way conversation with a diverse range of suppliers gives maximum opportunity for success”.

Suppliers that practise early engagement with the defence buying community are better prepared for future demands; and buyers that engage early with suppliers understand requirements better by speaking directly with industry experts and market leaders.


How to reach out

Events like DPRTE give British and international suppliers the opportunity to meet with buyers face to face, but how can you approach buyers all year round?

Defence events are just one way your business can reach out; business intelligence is another. The right tools can help your business to gather information about upcoming recurring projects and framework renewals – long before they’ve even been tendered.

DCI’s Market Leads tool can help you to integrate solid business intelligence into your defence procurement strategy.

Learn more




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