Free Procurement Act Readiness Assessment

1. Please choose the sector that is most important to your business

2. How would you describe your organisation’s understanding of the Procurement Act 2023?

3. To the best of your understanding, what percentage of your public sector sales comes from England, Wales or Northern Ireland?

4. To the best of your understanding, how many of your existing contracts with the public sector are due to expire in the next 12 months?

5. To the best of your understanding, what is your average contract value?

6. To the best of your understanding, what percentage of your public sector contracts are through framework agreements or Dynamic Marketplaces (previously 'DPS')

7. How aware are stakeholders within your organisation (outside of the bidding/sales/work winning  function) of the upcoming changes?

8. Which statement best describes your organisation’s capacity to make quick changes to adapt to the Procurement Act?

9. Have you reviewed any existing public sector contracts you have to determine whether the Procurement Act represents risks to potential renewal?

10. In the past 12 months (or during the life of a contract) have you pro-actively approached a public sector customer to discuss how additional value could be achieved in their contract with you?

11. Have you engaged with your current public sector customers to discuss their readiness for the Procurement Act?

12. Are you familiar with the requirements of National Procurement Policy Statement?

13. Does your organisation have a social value offering that it can clearly articulate and deliver that is aligned to the National Procurement Policy Statement?

14. How would you describe your understanding of the Competitive Flexible Procedure (CFP)?

15. How confident do you feel in your team’s current skill level to conduct presentations, dialogue or negotiation under CFP if required?

16. Do you understand how the Procurement Act can be used to create a competitive advantage for your organisation?