
46 Houses & 4 Flats

Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: United Kingdom

Title: 46 Houses & 4 Flats
Client name: Lovell Partnerships Ltd~25024724
Site address: Land At (OS 7935 4694), North End Lane, Madresfield, Malvern, Hereford & Worcester, WR13 5AD
Value: GBP 3640000
Start date: 09/07/2020
Region: West Midlands
Sector: Private Housing, Private Housing, Infrastructure


Planning stage: Plans Approved, Detail Plans Granted
Contract stage: Contract Awarded, Contract Awarded

Project Information:

Development type: New
Funding type: Private
Storeys: 2
Units: 50
Council name: Malvern Hills
Application number: 18/01865/FUL
Application date: 09/01/2019
Published: 24/01/2019
Last updated: 29/11/2019
Project ID: 19022718

Latest information: Application number 18/01865/FUL has been approved. We are currently trying to establish further information on this project.

Tender information: Contract has now been awarded

Scheme description: Scheme comprises residential development of 50 residential units (18 two bedroom, 10 three bedroom, 2 four bedroom market houses and 6 two bedroom, 6 three bedroom social houses and 4 two bedroom social flats and 2 two bedroom, 2 three bedroom intermediate houses) , access, car parking, landscaping, open space and associated works including SUDS. This project also includes associated infrastructure works and access roads.

Planning description: Detailed plans have been granted.

Client: Lovell Partnerships Limited, 18 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0121 421 8300. Website: Email:
Planning Consultant: Harris Lamb, Grosvenor House, 75 – 76 Francis Road, Edgbaston, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0121 455 9455. Website: Email: Contact: Mr James Hollyman. Job title: Planning Consultant

Planning Consultant: Pegasus Design, Unit 5, The Priory, Old London Road, Canwell, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0121 308 9570. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Stuart Ward. Job title: Architect

Landscape Consultant: Pegasus Design, Unit 5, The Priory, Old London Road, Canwell, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0121 308 9570. Website: Email:
Other Consultant: JSP Sustainability Limited, Innovation Centre, Innovation Way, Heslington, York Science Park, United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01904 435 325. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Gerard McGuigan. Job title: Technical Manager

Drainage Engineers: RPS Group, Salisbury House, 2A Tettenhall Road, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 01902 925 500. Website: Email: Contact: Mr Josh Hughes. Job title: Flood Risk Consultant

Main Contractor: Lovell Partnerships Limited, 18 Ridgeway, Quinton Business Park, , United Kingdom, United Kingdom, Tel: 0121 421 8300. Website: Email:
Additional information: Start date, value and contract period are guidelines only.

Sector categories: Private Housing, Infrastructure

Materials: Walls, Brick~Walls, Block~Walls, Internal partitions~Floors, Carpets~Windows, Double glazed~Doors, Timber~Site Works, Kerbing~Site Works, Drain Covers~Site Works, White Lining~Site Works, Turfing/Grass~Site Works, Planting~Site Works, Black Top Surfacing~Site Works, Fencing~Site Works, Road Drainage~Fittings, Kitchen~Fittings, Bathroom~Doors, Fire~Fittings, Emergency Lighting~Doors, Composite~Roof, Photovoltaic Panels~Roof, Tile~Roof, Slate~Roof, Artificial slate~Roof, Clay tile~Roof, Canopy~Windows, UPVC framed~Site Works, Block Paving~Site Works, Tarmac Surfacing

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