
Defence contracts demystified: Three tips to get you started

defence-contractsThere has never been a better time for suppliers to win defence contracts, with the MOD’s Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015 containing plans to spend £178 billion on new equipment, data systems and equipment support over the next decade.

But how do you get started? Here are three tips to get your business on the road to winning more defence contracts using DCI:

Get to know the defence tendering process

A key challenge faced by many suppliers is simply getting familiar with the tendering process itself, which is the formal process which you go through to win government contracts.

Tendering for defence contracts is a highly structured process, which exists to make sure the best suppliers are identified and scrutinised before being considered for a contract. However, once you get to the grips with the formality of the process, tendering can be an extremely powerful platform for your organisation to win more defence contracts.

Remember, MOD tenders are not limited to traditional military material, such as ammunition and vehicles, but cover a vast range of goods and services in sectors such as ICT, research and development, manufacturing and blue light services.

Position yourself for success

When you are tendering for defence contracts through the MOD, you should be asking yourself questions such as:

  • What separates my organisation from competitors?
  • What innovation is my organisation offering?
  • What long term value will my organisation bring to the project?

Answering these questions prior to the formal application process is key because it gives you the chance to put yourself in the best position to emphasise the unique benefits your organisation can provide, and why buyers should choose your business over others.

It’s often the case that buyers in the defence industry are looking for innovative solutions to solve their problems, so if you can demonstrate why your organisation can deliver the service in a unique way, mention this throughout, while still making sure you answer the buyer’s questions.

Put together a winning bid strategy

One of the main challenges in any form of bid writing to win defence contracts is getting your message across in a clear and concise manner. Before starting the formal tendering process, make sure you have a coherent bid strategy which will guide you.

When putting the bid together, don’t assume that the buyer already knows your business and the services you provide. Explain what you do, how you do it, and the value your organisation can bring to the project. Additionally, it’s a good idea to have someone who knows their numbers go over the tenders with you to determine the opportunity cost implications.

But most of all, put together a bid strategy which plays to your strengths. Keep in mind that when defence tenders are scored, it is an evidence-based decision making process, so provide evidence that you have the capabilities to deliver the service which is needed.

What value can your organisation bring to the project? Laying out the benefits your organisation will bring to the process will bring the application together nicely, and it can also help buyers think beyond simply going with the supplier offering the cheapest price.

At DCI, we are dedicated to finding the best defence contracts, and showing you how to win them. Our team work with automated technology to provide searchable and relevant information that helps you win defence tenders today.

Get started for free – sign up for a free trial with DCI today!


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