How To Get Cyber Essentials Certified?

At DCI we continually work alongside our customers to improve and enhance the functionality within the application, ensuring you get even more from your DCI subscription. We’re really excited to let you know that our market-leading service has just been improved even further.

DCI is the perfect partner for businesses looking for growth within the UK and international arenas. We are also the only business development solution created for suppliers to the defence industry, where you can find defence and defence-related contracts online.

DCI V7 includes:

  • Improved opportunity management
  • Increased flexibility of licence management for multi-licence subscriptions
  • Better search functionality, ensuring you see more opportunities that are relevant to your business
  • Access to even more international opportunities, allowing you to tap into a global marketplace worth £billions each year

Highlights of the latest DCI update include our upgraded Frameworks module, which delivers visibility of framework opportunities months in advance, improving pipeline management. Our brand-new DPS (Dynamic Purchasing System) module also provides straightforward and flexible access to defence and security contract opportunities. These are manageable on one platform along with our Bid Manager tool, offering a 360° view of your sector available at your fingertips.

Ask us for a FREE trial today, and open yourself up to a world of opportunity.

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A member of our sales team will give you a call to set up your free trial personalised to your business.

If you request a demo today!

Download your Free UK Defence Industry Report

A member of our sales team will give you a call to discuss your business with you and create a demo personalised to your business and sector needs.